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Age: 32

DOB: October 28th

Nationality: Russian

Height: 5'7

Orientation: Heterosexual

Status:​ Single

Bonnie comes from a large family, born in New York, with two older brothers and three younger brothers, her mother depended on her to take care of her younger siblings and help out with the family restaurant. Balancing her responsibilities and school, Bonnie was burdened with an anxiety disorder that evolved to a Intermittent explosive disorder causing her to have violent outbursts, screaming and destroying anything around her. This caused Bonnie to be a target at school, kids wanting to see what buttons to press to set her off and watch the show, entertainment for them, torment for her, her mother is embarrassed by this behavior and criticizes her harshly for it not understanding its a mental disorder and not deliberate , only making Bonnie's anxiety worsen. Ostracized by her classmates Bonnie sat around the delinquents at lunch, they befriended one another and influenced Bonnie to solve her problems with violence, getting into fights at school, and destroying her mothers property, her mother kicks her out of the house after one of their big fights, Bonnie is taken in by her one of her friends but realize quickly what a mistake it was. 


Bonnie calls her grandmother from a payphone one night, sobbing, begging for help, she passes out after one of her violent outbursts and is woken up by police being escorted to the station, they try to get her to speak but she looks down at her lap not responding, later an older woman comes in asking for Bonnie, she gets up and runs over, collapsing in the arms of her grandmother.


Her grandmother moves her to her home in Louisiana to give Bonnie a better life, starting over with a new school, having her own room, and her only responsibilities is chores, homework, and enjoy being a kid. Bonnie, scarred from living with her mother and enduring painful events in her life, she falls into a depression staying in her room, not wanting to go to school. While shes home her grandfather spends one on one time with her in hopes of getting to know her more, she shares with him while they work on the garden, she reminisces about her years learning the piano until her mother sold theirs for rent money, excitingly her grandfather takes Bonnie to the basement and shows her his grand piano, he asks if she would be willing to play again, happily Bonnie accepts and they bring it out to the living room for her to play, they'd sit side by side and perform.


Regaining confidence, Bonnie peeks out of her shell, Bonnie takes the initiative to participate more in school, it pays off when she meet her new best friend Amy, they share an interest in baking and spend their time in cooking class practicing recipes. Through Amy, Bonnie meets a boy that makes her heart swoon, a kind and bright boy that takes time for her and shows patience when she's feeling anxious, she was head over heels for him and he reciprocated those feeling.


Before graduation, their relationship turns serious with talk of the future, planning of moving in together while they go to college, unexpectedly, Bonnie is pregnant, Bonnie keeps it a secret, unsure how to handle this situation, shes worries about what her future will become now, guilty that she may ruin her love's dreams. She tells him the truth, he turns away unable to look her in the eye as he tells her that they cant do this, she understands their not ready to be parents and that they'll figure it out somehow, but he explains how hes moving to go to college in another state, how he wasn't really planning on being with her much longer anyways, he wasn't at all sincere about future, Bonnie, taken aback by this is heartbroken, he awkwardly bids her a good life and good luck with the child and leaves. Distraught, in her room crying, she starts feeling more physical pain then emotional, she runs to the bathroom and discovers shes bleeding. Her grandmother, knocking on the door, comes in when Bonnie doesn't respond, she see'd Bonnie covered in blood, not sure what to think, assuming it was self inflicted Bonnie uncovers her secret and her grandmother takes her to the hospital. Bonnie sees the doctor for a follow-up and discovers she has uteral cancer, her doctor tries to convince Bonnie to start chemo, but in her emotional state believes kids aren't in the cards for her and she chooses the hysterectomy.


After college, Bonnie takes up working in a restaurant as a sou chef but after so many years her older brother believes she should have her own cafe and  helps fix up an old business below an apartment complex to open her cafe. When young employees with a troubled attitude and terrible background comes in for a job, employers would usually turn these kids away, but Bonnie hire them in hopes to help teach them life skills with her tough love, helping them learn responsibilities and always having someone that is reliable in their life, and even though they can be tough and fight back she doesn't give up on them.

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