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Lieutenant Haeth


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Existent Age: 5 ( appears 18 ) 

DOB: August 2nd 
Species: Hell Hound

Height: 5'4

Orientation: Questioning

Status: Single

Living his new life as a hell hound, servant of the Underworld, memories of his former life fades away.  Haeth’s personality adapts to his new life, though his guard is up, he’s still a kind, gentle soul.


Haeth's daily routine was tedious and brought a new meaning to "hell". He lived in a bunk with many others inflicted with this curse, unaware of how long they've been there or who they were. They were forced to get up to do meaningless work, just to come back to the bunk, go to sleep, and wake up to do it all again. If they were lucky, they were chosen to fulfill a task commissioned by the leader. Not different from their usual work but anything outside the routine felt worthwhile. If you were to show capability past the menial work, you're chosen to fight along side the leader. Awarded private rooms, better meals, and individuality, more then a single named servant.


After the uprising, Haeth was given the name MacNamara, meaning "hound of the sea" after proving himself a worthy by defending his post. 


Fighting along side his brethren, Haeth is promoted to Lieutenant of the Hell Hound Mercenaries. Although is pledge to serve his captain, his primary responsibilities is still serving the lords and ladies of the Underworld, his rising reputation sparks the attention of the lord of wrath and chooses Haeth to care for his daughter, demon princess Reka, till she mature enough to take the throne.



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Age: 19

DOB: December 20th

DOD: March 21st 

Nationality: Hispanic

Height: 5'4

Orientation: Homosexual

Status: Taken


Before his tragic demise he made a living as a performer at a circus he traveled and lived with. First impressions of Haeth he comes across shy, sweet, and awkward but when he lets his guard down he's outgoing, friendly, and thoughtful, he enjoys playing the guitar and painting but his favorite hobbies involve video games, manga, and anime. Even though he had a rough start he had the potential to live a long fulfilling life with his circus family. 

Due to a grudge against an old friend, Haeth endured a painful ritual to become a host of a curse that forces his soul to be enslaved to a demonic creature that lives to serve the Nether World. Slowly the beast attached itself to Haeth's mind and body, and when its was ready, carried him away to begin his new life as a slave.



Modern AU

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Age: 22

DOB: December 20th 

Nationality: Hispanic

Height: 5'4

Orientation: Homosexual

Occupation: Star Bucks Barista 

Status: Single


Growing up on the edge of poverty, Haeth had to grow up quick and work hard for what he wanted, even though it helped him become an intelligent, responsible adult, he never had a chance to have fun and be a kid. Living in college dorms, studying to become a doctor, Haeth finally has his independents to do what he wants, his friends being a group of party animals, Haeth's life became a lot less mundane, never missing a moment and living life up to the fullest, while also balancing his grades, being a loving son, and reputation of a reliable worker.



Paranormal AU

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Age: 18

DOB: December 20th 

Nationality: Hispanic

Height: 5'4

Orientation: Homosexual


Born with a heart condition there was really no tell how long Haeth would live after birth, luckily due to the care of his parents, Haeth seems to make it through infancy and past adolescence, though by the time he turned 13 things began to look grim again. In and out of hospitals the doctors were able to stabilize him once again, this time it felt for good. Haeth was able to live on, making friends, graduating school, working to make a great future, but during a soccer game Haeth get injured when being tackled by his friend. In the hospital again Haeth overhears the news that he's in bad condition and his chances of making through this is slim, family is trying desperately to see him, friends in shock and horror in the waiting room, Haeth's chance to say his goodbyes seems impossible at this point. He musters up what energy he has and tries to write a letter stating his farewell, wanting tell his family that he loves them and to his friends that he wishes nothing but happiness for them and no ill will due to this incidence, but before he can make it past the first sentence his vitals drops to 0.  Now as a specter, he watches the emptiness fill his love ones, never having closure, Haeth too cant move on to the perily gates that await him, he's determinant to recruit help to find closure.



Gender Bend AU


Age: 22

DOB: December 20th 

Nationality: Hispanic

Height: 5'2

Orientation: Questioning

Occupation: Bartender and Waitress

Status: Single


Inspired dancer dreams to live her life teaching ballroom dancing to others. Living in the shadow of her more successful twin sibling, Honey watches as her parents supports her sisters dreams and being put aside as an after thought. Being use to this treatment she leaves home and searches desperately in hopes to be able to support herself. Looking through the "Help Wanted" ads, she finds a job that provides decent pay, unfortunately she would have to wear next to nothing and serve drunk, horny patrons. Honey finds comfort behind the bar, wearing the alias name "Cherry", she's offered a position dancing but in her mind she wouldn't dare turn her passion into a dirty way to make money, she wanted to at least have that for her pride. 

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