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Sam Welsher


Age: 17

DOB: February 10th

Nationality: German

Height: 5'4

Orientation: Heterosexual

Status:​ Taken

Coming from a wealthy bloodline in Berlin Sam had everything she ever wanted except for a perfect family. Shortly after her birth her mother and father separated due to the argument of whether Sam was truly the his daughter, revealing an affair that occurred before conception, her mother moves out leaving her children behind. Sam's father never showed any kind of love or attention towards her, only trying to mold her into the perfect daughter such as her sister Gretchen, a scholar, an athlete, she was a star pupil and the favorite, Sam just wanted to have fun, jump in rain puddles, make play dough cookies, and pretend to be a dinosaur. Sam tried her best to earn love from her father, earning trophies from competing in chess, but she was put in the shadows by her sisters success, Sam gives up, sits back and laughs at how serious they are, she entertains herself by making them crazy, pulling petty pranks to inconvenience them, taking her fathers keys when he's late for work and putting them in places he wouldn't look, deleting assignments from her sisters computer, flushing the toilet if one of them showers, turning off the wifi while her father takes a business video call, no matter the consequence Sam brushes it off. Sam's father had enough of her shenanigans, when he hears of her mother moving overseas, he dumps Sam on her and they move to Louisiana. 


From a palace to a studio apartment life became a lot different, Sam was excited to start a new life with her mom, meet new people, and not having to be reminded of her more talented sister. Her mom had a different idea of a new life and abandoned Sam at a group home, Sam was crushed, feeling like she was never going to be good enough, no one wants her, no one loves her, she would be better off gone.


Wandering the streets, skipping school, a boy hobbling around on cane catches her interest and her bright colorful hair catches his, an odd relationship blooms between them, two strong accents coming from opposite sides of the world, there's a communication gap, but they share the same childish spirit, making Sam feel a sense of joy again, but as years goes on she grows more and more bitter, becoming something shes always hated, her mischievous playing around turns into law breaking sprees, stealing from shops and breaking into houses for her own purposes, her friend, not wanting to be associated with that behavior pushes her away. Sam graduates from school and ditches her foster home, sitting on the street, smoking, waiting to die.


A blonde woman walks out of the building, closing up her shop, notices Sam sitting on the street, she inquires what a young lady is doing out so late, Sam tries to escape the conversation till the lady offers her a place to stay, Sam takes the opportunity, planning to wake up early and take off with her cash. Coming into her home she introduces herself as Bonnie, a single women that lives above her Cafe, she lets Sam take a shower while she makes them dinner, leaving her a fresh set of PJ's for her to wear. The home was warm and comforting, its been so long since Sam had a home cooked meal, Bonnie questions her further on how she ended up where she is now, Sam tells her story feeling an overwhelming sense of hopelessness, Bonnie relates to being a broken teen and offers to extend her stay and move in. Sam not having any other options agrees, but being no such thing of a free ride her residence comes with conditions, she's required to work for her cafe and to help with chores, Sam agrees not thinking about doing any work, just doing the bare minimum to keep a roof over her head. 


Bonnie settles her in a spare room and leaves her to rest. Waken up, 5 in the morning, by a splash of water in her face, Bonnie tells her its time to rise, Sam argues not wanting to get up so early, Bonnie makes it clear that this conduct will not continue from now on, Sam reluctantly gets up, they eat breakfast, Bonnie gives her clothes to wear and they rush off to buy ingredients for the cafe. Bonnie gives her a taste of tough love, starting with the tough part, when Sam begins to waver and wants to leave, Bonnie reminds her of the hard work shes doing and how it will pay off, Sam doesn't believe her until she receives her first paycheck, Bonnie congratulates her, giving her a pat on the back and telling her how proud she is, the first time anyone has ever said that, Sam breaks down in her arms and promises not to let her down.




Swamp Boy and the Lilypad

Age: Centuries Years Old

Species: Nymph

Height: 5'4

Nature being her reason of her existence she spends her days appreciating natures beauty, bathing in the lake surrounded by the forest, watching the cycle of life, observing her land adapt as time goes by, enchanted by the animals and creatures that roam the earth, although there's one creature that disgusts her down to the core, humans.

Her beautiful forests torn down, lakes polluted, mass killing animals, air fills with smokes, her land was dying. Any human that enters her territory becomes pray to Delphi's wrath, they were seduced to approach her meeting their fate, one by one, no matter what size pack they come in, she succeeds in removing their presence.

Her land is preserved but she can only imaging the horrors happening other parts of the planet in her absence. She makes the decision to disguise herself as a regular human to walk among them and spy on their wrong doings in hopes of stopping them.


her human appearance looks as another tree hugging, vegan hippy, dressing in hemp, flowing garments, and open toe shoes, shes chipper and sweet, unless you participate in harming the planet the you become her next target, deemed as a parasite of the earth and she will continue to remove these vermin till the earth is clean.

Sam Welsher



sam summer camp_edited.png

Age: 20

DOB: February 10th

Nationality: German

Height: 5'4

Orientation: Heterosexual

Status:​ Single

Sam was forced into attending summer camp by her foster parents in hopes for her to open up, she's been a shut in since shes moved to the states, barely saying a word, becoming exiled from her classmates, her teacher believed that summer camp will give her an opportunity make friends, unfortunately it doesn't go to plan.


While Sam unpacks, her new cabin mates crowd around to make fun of her wardrobe, picking them out of her suit case, when she doesn't react, the alpha of the girls tosses her clothes in the swamp and watches Sam go in to retrieve her possessions, the girls laugh at her while they kick mud and rocks, they leave before they get caught and head to the main hall for assembly, Sam stays at the swamp and plays with the frogs she finds.


Making her way back to the cabins, holding onto her wet filthy clothes, covered head to toe in mud, one of the counselors notices Sam, she's asked about what happened and Sam timidly responds "it was the other girls". All of the girls involved in the incident was forced to endure a lengthy lecture about bullying, the girls fake an apology and clean Sams clothes, instructed by the counselor. Afterwards they participate in a "friendship" initiation for the next few days, skipping out on fun actives, all of this builds the tension within the cabin, one night the girls circle around Sam while she sleeps and holds down in her bed, cutting her hair, beating her with sticks, shoving panties in her mouth and other humiliating things as the girls film it. Sam is horrified and escapes from their grip, she attempts to run and find help but the girls give chase tossing stones at her and hollering insults, having no choice but to run into the forest half naked. The girls surround her and takes turns throwing punches, she tries to flee but the girls grab her arms and tosses her back into the circle and beat till she bleeds, they get bored of her when she falls unconscious and they leave her for the bears, returning to their cabins.


Sam is not heard from till the next night, she quietly returns as if nothing happened, the counselors beg her to reveal what has happened but are only met by Sam's vacant stares, when they ask if it was the other girls Sam turns away without a word, they reluctantly let her leave and Sam returns to her bunk, ignoring the mess the girls made of her stuff, the girls are amazed by her returning, they stay up late to discuss why shes so pathetic, Sam lays there silent and waits for the girls to fall asleep.


In the morning one of the counselors goes to check the girls cabin wondering why they didn't show up for breakfast, what they found will haunt them forever. Girls were gutted, skinned, eye gouged out, and had items shoved in their intimate areas, Sam was nowhere to be seen. the cops are called and the entire campsite was searched in hopes of finding Sam, the rest of the kids were bused back to their homes not realizing hiding on that bus was Sam herself, she returns home and lays in her bed waiting for the cops to take her away.


The camp reopens years later under new management and a new name in an attempt to bury the gruesome history stained into the property, the camp aims for an older demographic to help reform troubled teens, taking on new chipper camp counselors they take on Sam whom pursued them with her can-do attitude, unfortunately for them they didn't realize shes "the" Samantha, the one that slaughtered her camp mates many years ago.

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