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Damian Elsenhiemer


Age: 16

DOB: October 2nd

Nationality: Dominican

Height: 5'5

Orientation: Bisexual

Status:​ Single

Incredibly intelligent and talented but fallen on hard times doesn't stop Damian from achieving her dreams of one day owning her own bakery. Damian is fostered by her half brother after discovering his fathers affair that brought Damian into the world, her mother gave her up to the adoption agency and was never heard from again, when Damian turned twelve she discovered where her father lived, excited she stand on his door step and waits anxiously as she rings the bell. When he comes to the door she tells him that shes his daughter, immediately the man shuts the door behind him and angrily yells at her for coming to his home where his wife and kids are, scared and heart broken she begs him for her to stay, she wants a bed and a roof over her head, he makes a deal with her, he'll give her a home to stay if she never returns, quickly she agrees and he drops her off at his sons home. He happily takes her in, knowing what its like to be cut off from family, disowned after he came out, happy he's not alone he cares for her as if she was his own, gives her hot meals, her own bed, clothes on her back, they bond as brother and sister, talking about their hobbies, he teaches her how to play video games and she teaches him how to cook .


A fancy private school announces that top performing students that cant afford the academy will be chosen to attend for a full school year all expenses paid. To apply students would have to write a statement why they should attend with proof of their impressive GPA and a recommendation from instructors. Damian was on her way to being valedictorian for grade, she spent her childhood in text books, her summer advancing her required courses to advance her grade, this was her last chance due to be her graduating year, she was not going to let this opportunity pass by. This academy has connections to the best universities in the country, this school on a resume instantly brings you a head of the game. Hard work pays off able to acquire her statements and documents together ready to send her application before the due date. Throughout the summer she watches the door obsessively waiting for the mail, her brother tried to prepare her for disappointment since the odds were the same as winning the lottery, the response letter eventually comes, Damian opens it carefully, feeling faint, unable to catch her breath, she reads the first line over and over again not being able to believe it, she was accepted, she was going to graduate from the best academy in the world.


Damian was excited up until the first day of school, she realized quickly she was a fish out of water, the youngest in her class and the poorest, other students flashing their lavish lunches, gadgets and clothes, Damian was wearing the uniform with an old knitted sweater she got from a thrift store, packed a ham sandwich for lunch, and a gas station cellphone. Damian didn't care, she was in it for the education and that is what she focused on, that was until she meets Ivan, top of his class, good looking, with a mysterious facade, girls charmed by him, boys admired him, although he only has his eyes for Damian.


Meeting Damian was love at first sight, the way she carries herself with confidence, her drive, her determination, he never thought such a girl could exist, she was mature and respectful to her superiors but jovial and childish with her peers. Ivan was use to the feeling of being empty, only setting his eyes on his achievements and nothing more, just getting by day after day, the same routine, but with Damian its like seeing colors for the first time, feeling warmth, discovering taste, he never felt more alive and he never wants to feel empty ever again, the yearning quickly becomes obsession when he notices the admiration from another, his own sister, they fight for her attention and affection escalating to the murder of his own sister, he is not bothered a bit, shes out of the picture and he can have Damian for himself, watching her every move, holding violent hatred for anyone that looks her way.


The red flags well hidden by his disguise of his smooth persona, Damian holds Ivan close has a friend, being with the smartest boy in the academy made her feel special, encouraged by his help with her academics she grows a crush on him, unfortunate for her, shes unaware of the consequences of her feelings for the boy. 

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