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Kara Dweller


Age: 26

DOB: October 31st

Nationality: American 

Height: 5'6

Orientation: Heterosexual

Status:​ Single

The product of a love story between John, a broken-hearted farmer and Shane, a single foster mother trying to change the life of an abandon child, they find each other and live happily ever after but shortly after the birth of Kara their lives change for the worst. John, Shane, and their adopted son Lukas were overjoyed with the new addition to the family but John was keeping a secret that endangered them all, John soon realized the responsibility he has, passing down incredible supernatural powers to his daughter, something he tried to hide from his family, making a deal with an overlord of hell, after he and his wife were used as sacrifices for their village, he was granted powers to fight back the ones who betrayed him and killed his family back centuries ago, feeling the pain from his memories reopening the wound, he devotes himself to protect his family.


Growing up, Kara had more "firsts" then regular children, first steps, first words, first tooth, and first teleportation, raising a supernatural child was proven tough for the family but for the love of Kara they pull through together. John takes special time for Kara, teaching more then hunting and farming, he teaches her how to handle her powers and not to use them in public, the world isn't ready for it, Kara dreamed of being a beloved super hero such as Spiderman or Superman but the reality is that people fear what they don't understand. 


Kara was able to adapt well, balancing herself to live a somewhat normal life, things started to turn dark within the family when Lukas announce his relationship with Kutner soon after graduating, John wasn't pleased by this, nothing to do with his son coming out but about Kutner, soon to be a father after impregnating his friend for what they said it was an "accident" was really a surrogate for Lukas and Kutner to start a family, John scolded Lukas harshly for "throwing his life away" calling Kutner foul words and making assumptions about Kutner manipulating him. Lukas packed his things and made his way to the door to live with Kutner, John telling Lukas that if he was to walk out the door he was to disown him, Lukas hesitated for only a second before walking out and leaving with his boyfriend.


After the incident the family was split, Lukas and John never spoke, though when the  kids were born Kara and Shane visited them more often. Immediately something was wrong, they didn't want twins they only wanted one child, do they give one away? The other one is born with a heart condition, that's going to drown them in hospital bills, Kutner was panicking and Lukas was swallowed by his guilt, Shane reminded him that these were not his kids and not his problem but Lukas already committed to this and was ready to deal with what is to come.


After Kara's 18 birthday she leaves to a trip to mexico to celebrate, after a couple days of not hearing from her parents she heads home to see that her parents had vanished, confused she sends out a search party, wondering where they could be, the police immediately suspects Kara due to her large inheritance, but the lack of evidence and Kara's alibi makes a cold case, never knowing what happened to her parents. She stays on the farm continuing her fathers legacy, hoping that one day her family will return again

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