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Max Libre


Age: 25

DOB: March 27th

Nationality: Latina

Height: 5'2

Orientation: Bisexual

Status:​ Single

Picked out of an orphanage to be part of a military experiment, researching the possibilities of modifying the human body to be its own greatest and powerful weapon, Max was one of the successful candidates for Project Owl, the operation to improve vision, being able to see past what normal people can see. Max was forced out of the womb 3 months earlier then planned and had possibilities of future development issues, due to this Max's only purpose was to be a lab rat, continuously poked with needles and cut open, but when her new abilities surpassed the other test subjects she was accepted by the military academy at age 5.


Max was the favorite among the other children due to her great strength and reflexes, this made her was a target for her instructors, punished greatly for her mistakes to ensure the best performance. Though she was scared of them Max was more scared for her peers, young and frail children that were to endure the same abuse, Max vowed to protect her fellow comrades, seeing her survival training and combat lessons as an advantage to use against their tormentors, although with all her knowledge, she was young and naive, outsmarted by her commanders and was forced to observe her classmates succumb to their mistreatment.


At the age of 16 it was mandatory to enlist in the army, Max was happy to serve along side the people she grew up with especially her childhood best friend Doug, after proving themselves worthy they were to work overseas for a private defense agency, protecting the same people that turned most of them into a super humans. Max was beloved by her fellow soldiers due to her supportive nature and humorous out look even on their worst situations, Max looked at the others as family, side by side for years with each other through their best and worst moments, every assignment she was sent to fulfill she fought hard, promising herself to bring back all of her men. Her last mission doesn't go as followed, changing her life forever, filled with rage and anguish after watching all of them die, she wipes out the research facility and breaks for her own escape. She lives on the road, using her survival skills to keep herself alive, hiding away from the government, a target for elimination to cover up the disaster held that day.

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