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Nathan Amaro

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Age: 19

DOB: January 1st 

Nationality: American

Height: 5'7

Orientation: Bisexual (closeted)

Status:​ Single

Nothing more but a regular human male Nathan has always been extraordinary. Being a single mother and dropping out of high school to raise her child is a rough life to begin with, but Thia, Nathans mother, tried her best to give Nathan all of her love and attention, Nathans father, Linny, popping in the picture once and a while to spend time with Nathan, it was heart breaking for her because it was obvious Nathan showed more love and admiration towards his dad, possibly by all the gifts, treats, and baseball games he showered him with. Only a couple doors down from Haeth and his family, they've been closer then just neighbors, helping each other through difficult times and sharing holidays together they were more like family. The sad truth of Nathans father reappearing in his life is only to get close to Lukas, his ex boyfriend and Haeth's second father, although Lukas wants nothing to do with him and his partner Kutner wants to rip him apart, the kids stay blissfully unaware of the drama between their parents.


After coming home from school, Nathan notices a note from his mother explaining that she'll be working late and must stay at Haeth's house till she comes home, Nathan has a different plan, he comes in through the bedroom window, search for his confiscated Gameboy, and play on his moms bed. He hears the front door being opened, thinking its his mother, he runs into the closet to hide, not wanting to get grounded, its his dad frantically barges in the room looking for something under the bed, he pulls out a black case, before he could open it he's startled by Kutner bursting through the door holding a crowbar in his hand, Linny tries to talk him down from what he's about to do just to be violently bashed with the crowbar, Kutner pins him against the bed and strangles him till  he goes limp, Nathan peeks to watch his dad being dragged out of the the room unconscious, Nathan stays in the closet, too scared to move, laying in there for a while he falls asleep to be awoken by his mother shaking him, scolding him for not following her instructions. Nathan grips onto is mom crying that his father was killed, confused she shows him the note left by his dad explaining him going back to work, she explains more on how unreliable he is and how he'll be back when he "feels like it", he doesn't believe her due to the perfect perspective he has of him, the more his mother tries to convince his father is isn't how he sees him the angrier he becomes. He starts yelling, hitting, and throwing his books at her, not sure how to handle the situation she locks him in his room to let him burn out. since then Nathan shows no obedience towards his mom, he tries to reach out to his friend Haeth but he only says that if its true he deserved it this plants the seed of hatred for Haeth and his family.


Being raised in a catholic household and Nathans need to rebel he starts to dabble in satanism, wearing pentagrams and dressing in all black starting what was just to piss off his mother, became a new interest for him. Researching, reading books, talking to people online about occultism, Nathan discovers a ritual to force people to become slaves to the one that performs the sacrament, the souls of those inflicted are swallowed by darkness and are to serve the underworld after death, its sounds to good to be ignored though Nathan skims over the consequences that are unforeseen. Reaching out to his fellow occultists he convinces them that the ritual will bring them everything they desired, kidnapping the people that wronged them and practicing their sacraments, Nathan had his eyes set on the Dweller-Fitzgerald's, knowing of Haeth skipping town he plans to lure him back murdering his family and setting his home ablaze, watching his handy work from afar he sees Haeth, inconsolable and hysterically in tears, he sets his undead minions to stalk Haeth, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Everything falls into place, getting the revenge he longed for he feels unstoppable, till Haeth comes to from his dazed hypnotism being spellbound, he's rescued by the troops, they kill him, severing his head and setting it on fire, a cruel irony.


Nathans legacy lives on in the Nether, losing his memory of his mortal self, becoming demonic, he serves the demons he once called upon. His main duties collecting the debt owed to satanic beasts by their occultist servants

Natasha Amaro


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Age: 22

DOB: January 1st  

Nationality: American

Height: 5'6

Orientation: Heterosexual

Status:​ Single

Shes lover of the night life and living the glamorous life as a cards dealer at a casino, regularly visits her friend Honey at the club to drive her home.

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