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Daily Boudreaux

daily due.png

Age: 22

DOB: March 25th

Nationality: Creole

Height: 5'4

Orientation: Heterosexual

Status:​ Single

Meet Bonnie's right hand man, she started working at Bonnie's cafe when it first opened, at the time, Daily was a high school drop out and a new mom, struggling to make a living for herself and her child. Daily made sure to make it to every shift needing every penny she can get, seeing how stressed and exhausted she was, Bonnie would help her past work relations, she would give her rides when needed, advances on her pay, watch her child so Daily can work, teach her how to drive, help her through government processes, Bonnie saw potential in her through all of her hard work, even though Daily made her childish mistakes she dealt with them as an adult and Bonnie respected that, Daily appreciates everything Bonnie does for her and helps her in return when she needs it. After her years of loyalty and labor Daily was promoted to manager and does her best to prove to Bonnie that she can handle the cafe and be a strong leader just like her.

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