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Age: 25

DOB: July 10th 

Nationality: American

Height: 5'6

Orientation: Bisexual

Status: Single


Laz grew up in a loving home in the suburbs, as an only child, Laz got her kicks by testing her moms patience, by doing crazy things to impress her friends, getting into fights at school to prove she's a tough guy, and creating her own unique style, her mother tried to release this need to stand out by putting her in after school activities such as dance and gymnastics. When her mom passed away from cancer Laz felt lonely no matter how many people were around her, her mother was her best friend.


A week before the new school year she noticed a moving van unpacking into a house not far from her own, curious she investigated the new neighbor and met a boy who was sitting on the curb playing his Game Boy. His name was Joey, he was a short, chubby, nerdy, shy kid, that had no real confidence, Laz found joy again teasing and playing together, joining his passion in examining the evolving technology.

He became her first real boyfriend and stayed together throughout their years in school, but their relationship started taking a toll when Joey's physique changes due to his new outlook on fitness, he tones out and grooms himself nicely, catching the attention of other girls. She watches as he encourages the flirting from other girls, when confronted, rather then easing her worries, he ignores her and avoids the subject, Laz understandably is frustrated only handles the situation with anger and hostility, Joey not willing to submit, either fights back or engages the other women. Even though the relationship is sour, Laz could only hold onto the sweet moments that made her fall in love in hopes to rekindle those feelings in him again.


One night while Laz and Joey watches the house, they hear a strange noise coming from the back yard, pan in hand Laz goes to check the commotion, expecting a killer hiding in shrubs she discovers a young child holding onto the family cat. His hair was a tangled mess, skin tightly wrapped around the bones of his body, wearing filthy hospital scrubs, looking like he came straight from the jungle book, Laz was unsure how to approach this odd circumstance. Eventually she lets him in to enjoy a box of cracker while she notifies her father, not wanting to deal with cops, she waits for him to return to pass the responsibility. Laz's father takes the boy to the station and learns that he's an a escapee from a penitentiary that has a reputation of mistreating their patients. Mr. Karppus felt guilty about having to put this obviously neglected child back to their possible death sentence and decided to take the child in has his own.​

This boy becomes Laz's baby brother, given the name Rufus.


After Laz and Joey graduate, Laz had difficulty knowing what she wants to strive for in a career, Joey went ahead and started working on his future in computers, Laz tagged along feeling secure she'd have luck making decent money. After receiving her associates in computer tech, she takes a position in Geek Squad due to the easy admission from her resume, rather then reaching for a higher career, she felt no passion in what she was doing. Laz notices a circus that regular comes around every year, she thinks about how crazy the life of a performer could be, on the road, having an audience, the money could be great or poor but she'll never know unless she tries. By her surprise she's accepted, she doesn't want to leave her love behind so she convinces Joey's skills in computerize effects could be useful, Rufus couldn't handle the thought of his sister leaving, with a little protest by Rufus, Laz agrees taking him.



Modern AU


Age: 27

DOB: July 10th 

Nationality: American

Height: 5'6

Orientation: Bisexual

Status: Its complicated


After receiving her associates in computer tech, Laz takes her degree more serious and is accepted in a career as a computer technician working a long side her boyfriend, but there's no excitement in her life, she begins to hate wearing office attire for 40 hours a week.

Laz goes out with friends to a night club to celebrate their success after high school, many drinks later they stumble into a gentlemen's club to fool around throwing bills and chugging drinks but Laz was too focused on the girls, a particular girl role playing as an boss from an office setting catches her eye, not only sparking her interest in women but the life of an exotic dancer.

She wakes up the next morning next to the dancer from the night before, she gets dressed and makes awkward small talk with the women. Laz asks her why she chose to be an exotic dancer, she puts it simple, its fun and a great way to make money, she questions the girl on morals and the dark side of that kind of life. The dancer debates the difference of a gentlemen's club and some sleazy bar, even the though the line is blurred, she feels no shame in expressing her sexuality. At this point Laz admits that her life had lost its spark and adventure, and up until last night shes never been with anyone else. The women offers her advice to take advantage of her youth so she can live the rest of her life with no regrets.

When she leaves Laz looks into classes to learn exotic dancing to get a feel of what its really like, week after week she returns having fun on what she can do on the pole, she starts doing yoga for flexibility, and working out her core for strength. 

Her relationship at this point becomes stale once she becomes more in love with the lifestyle she hides from him, Laz doesn't have the guts to bring it up due to it being awkward at work so she leaves it alone. 

She works up the nerve and jumps at the chance at a part-time position dancing at a club. Getting ready for her first night she feels more excited then nervous, when she walks out the whoops and hollers fuels her, peeling apart her wardrobe, contorting on the pole,  watching men grab at the stage while they toss their wallets just to see more, the desperation to watch her reveal herself or just to touch her skin, the rush fills her brain with endorphin and she loses herself in the moment.

After the night ends she comes home, hides the evidence, and uses her spared energy and pent-up sexuality on her boyfriend, hoping that his presence will at least serve for that purpose.

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