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December "Rial" Everett

Rial is a Good Boy.png

Age: 19

DOB: November 12th

Nationality: American

Height: 5'5

Orientation: Bisexual

Status:​ Single

Everyone dreams of their fairy tale life, a happily ever after, but eventually we grow out of it and get by what reality delivers us, December refuses to give up on his dreams, no matter the circumstance its the only thing that drives December to keep going. December's beginning was a nightmare, mother and father both meth addicts living in filth, neglect, abuse, the only thing that kept December alive was his older brother Zakari, even though he was only ten he took good care of December.


Their parents didn't bother giving them an education, instead used them as mules for drugs and money, testing their fresh batches of drugs on them, and selling them to do "favors" for their friends, they gave their kids an alias name when they go out to work, December being known as "Rial" and Zakari "Winter".


The only time they're safe is when they're locked in their room, a mattress on the floor and a TV with dvd's next to it, no bathroom for them to go in so they make their messes in the corner, not being able to eat until their parents remember to let them out. Zakari would stare at the wall and draw with his blood and feces, December would rewatch the same movies over and over again, watching the happy family on the screen, pretending he's there, pretending hes one of the family, in a beautiful home with a white picket fence, doggy in the backyard, happy mom and dad that loves him.


Zakari wakes December up one night telling him its time to eat, groggy, he follows his brother out of the room not noticing the walls splattered with blood, suddenly the smell of cooked meat fills the house, over powering the stench of the home, December stares at the scene before him, his mother and father gutted, limps severed and their heads on the table. Zakari serves his brother cooked pieces of their parents and feast till the cops come. 


December sits in his padded room thinking about his dream family, thinking about falling in love and having a family of his own, this new fantasy inspires him to break out of his cell, murder anyone that gets in his way, and goes to find the love of his life, under his name Rial, no one safe from his yearning heart.


December Everett



Age: 22

DOB: November 12th

Nationality: American

Height: 5'5

Orientation: Bisexual

Status:​ Married

December follows Irene where ever she goes, trusting her instincts, they live out of an RV, while Irene goes off to work December stays home and crafts dream catches, wood carvings, and knit blankets, on the weekend they set up shop and sell their crafts. Making sure they stay out of trouble from the law Decembers brother, Zakari, is currently studying to become a lawyer, when December left the hospital Zak begged for his brother to live with him and though they visit often, December is at peace where he is. He considers Irene to be his wife, she reciprocates her feelings and December finally gets his happily ever after.

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